Non-toxic, clean, simple 

At woods_ copenhagen, we work with a less-is-more approach. Our products’ ingredients are carefully selected to create clean, healthy, and effective formulas, with the goal to ensure long-lasting results while strengthening the skin’s barrier and natural abilities.

We work with great respect for human, nature, and animals, as we believe clean products and a clean conscience go hand in hand. Besides our Lip Repair containing natural bees wax, every product is vegan – and none of our products have been tested on animals.

What you put on your skin will ultimately become part of your system, which is why we believe in enriching your skin with natural and organic ingredients only.

Woods_ ingredients are grown without herbicides and pesticides, as this process reduces the environmental impact greatly but also makes the ingredients perform even better. What’s not to like?

Our customers’ safety is our utmost priority. Therefore, we don’t use recycled plastic/PCR plastic (Post-Consumer Recycled material), as recent studies from 2021 and 2023 have found a concerning amount of unknown and toxic chemicals in PCR plastics.  

For example, one study (2023) examined recycled plastics from around the globe and found 491 types of chemicals in these, among which a lot were deemed as toxic, while 170 couldn’t be identified – meaning, we can’t identify their potential hazardous effects either. 

However, all our packaging can be recycled. We continuously stay up to date with the latest research and knowledge within this field to make sure our choices always make sense in the bigger picture. Learn more on our blog.   



  • A dataset of organic pollutants identified and quantified in recycled polyethylene pellets (2023) E. Carmona; E. Rojo-Nieto; C. D. Rummel; M. Krauss; K. Syberg; T. M. Ramos; S. Broshce; T. Backhaus; B. C. Almroth 
  • Initial safety assessment of recycled plastic for packaging of cosmetic products (2021)  Danish Environmental Protection Agency 

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